Serve Who You Want
Without the Business Burdens
SEC registered investment advisor
XYPN Sapphire offers an affiliation model that allows more advisors to serve who they want, how they want, without the headaches of being responsible for their compliance and technology.
XYPN Sapphire has launched a pilot program and is closed to additional applicants until the program completes (estimated this October). An interest form is available for those who wish to be updated about the program’s progress. A waitlist is planned for those interested in onboarding to the platform in Q4 2024.
Due to interest, we may need to reserve spots multiple months out once we open the applicant pool. Our pilot program will provide insight into capacity requirements.
You do not need to be a member to express interest. If you are a good fit for XYPN Sapphire, the next step will be to apply for XYPN Membership in order to begin your XYPN Sapphire transition.
Fee-only advisors who want to focus on working with their clients—with or without assets to manage—are a great fit.
Some benefits include:
XYPN Sapphire members receive back office support in investments, compliance, and more
As an IAR of our RIA, you don't hold the CCO title
Clients can immediately transition with you
Your brand and your business 100% belongs to you. Our guarantee states: If you’re not satisfied, you can transition at any time with your clients, your data, and your revenue.
As an independent contractor, rather than a W-2 employee, you act as your own entity and run your business as your business.
If you decide you’d rather own your own RIA, we’ll assist you with transitioning to standard XYPN membership and registering at the state or SEC level.
$1,500/mo and 20% of revenue. There are no set-up costs or additional fees.
Pricing will differ from our current subscription model because of the extra cost of handling compliance, software provision, administration, operations, and trading support typical for RIA affiliation models.
We are currently not charging an extra fee for employees (or extra seats for employees).
For several reasons:
It’s aligned with our mission to help fee-for-service financial planners live their great lives by serving whom they want, how they want.
Increasing regulatory pressures at the state level are impeding some independent RIAs from serving who they want, how they want and XYPN Sapphire helps solve for this
Increased support. The burdens of independent RIA ownership (running a business, managing compliance, and growing a practice) take away from doing what you want to be doing: planning and serving clients. By having a partner who manages those burdens for you, you can be freed up to serve who they want, how you want with a higher chance of success.
It rounds out the three buckets we see XYPN providing as we grow that base: Do It Yourself (Standard Membership with à la carte Support Solutions options), Do It With Me (Standard Membership with Support Solution Packages), and Do It For Me (XYPN Sapphire affiliation)
Explore our Investment Form CRS by clicking here.
You will need to use Wealthbox and Orion
You will have a choice of planning software platforms
You will be asked to submit any technology that you choose to use that’s not included in the platform for approval. The approval process ensures that any additional technology you utilize is compliant. You are responsible for tech costs that you opt for in addition to the included tech stack.
Connect with a Success Strategist to discuss what's best for you
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Information contained on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, tax, or investment advice. Please consult your advisor, attorney, and/or tax professional for information specific to your situation.
XYPN Invest does not endorse, review, monitor, or otherwise control the information presented by XYPN on this site in connection with the other services, support solutions, or benefits available to XYPN members. We are not responsible for any information published on this site, by XYPN, that is not in connection with XYPN Invest or its representatives.