To our XYPN community:
The recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor are tragic events in a series of injustices that have yet again shined a light on the layers of historical prejudice and systemic racism that exist in our country.
As your partner, you deserve to know where XYPN stands on these critical issues facing our nation, our industry, and our friends.
We believe Black Lives Matter. To our Black and Brown community members: we’re sorry. We hear you. We see you. We stand with you. We are eager to be part of the change we know needs to happen, and are ready to foster that change in our industry, in our company, and in our community.
We recognize that effecting change is a shared responsibility and we all must do our part. The burden cannot be placed on our Black and Brown colleagues to tell us what needs to be done. We must work together to share ideas, create solutions, and find inspiration.
In the coming weeks and months, we will continue to put diversity, inclusion, and equity at the forefront of our initiatives. We are hiring an XYPN Director of People & Culture to help drive change from the top of our company, partnering with the Montana Racial Equity Project to better educate our team and support our local community, and building an internship program to engage with CFP students at historically black colleges and universities.
We strongly encourage anyone who wants to show support to our XYPN community of Black and Brown advisors to attend our upcoming Diversity Committee meeting on Thursday, June 18 and sit with those who are living these experiences of injustice and prejudice. This is an opportunity to engage in open dialogue and learn from one another.
Today, please know that XYPN has been and remains committed to seeing our Network, our industry, our company, and our nation as a whole change for the better.
–Alan and Michael